Inorder to provide an offline list of values or poplist ie. even when one is not connected with Oracle Apps,i followed these steps to get it done :-
1. Created a lookup where the values will be stored or which will act as a source for the offline values when you download the template.
2. I used the api bne_integrator_utils.create_table_lov. You can get the parameters for this api using the all_sources table. I am highlighting some specific parameter which needs to be considered carefully. For example p_interface_code should have your intergrator interface code,p_interface_col_name should be the field name with which you want to associate the LOV,p_id_col and p_mean_col will be 'LOOKUP_CODE' as i am using fnd_lookups here,p_desc_col can be null,p_table should be the table FND_LOOKUP_VALUES and p_addl_w_c will be the "where clause" which you will apply on FND_LOOKUP_VALUES to filter your values,p_windows_width and p_windows height can be chosen as 400 and 300 respectively.
3. Update the bne_interface_cols_b.offline_lov_enabled='N' and lov_type='POPLIST' for your integrator interface code and the respective field.
3. Update the bne_interface_cols_b.offline_lov_enabled='N' and lov_type='POPLIST' for your integrator interface code and the respective field.
The values shown in this poplist will be the values present in the lookup when one downloads the template. A maximum of 255 values can be show in this poplist.
How we can create Dependent LOV in web-adi please suggest?