Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Columns prompts for the fields present in custom WebADI template

If you want to change the column prompts i.e the field names appearing on the custom WebADI template to appear different than what you have used for your parameters, you need to follow the below simple steps :-

Eg:- Suppose one of the parameters data in the integrator package was p_Date and you want it to appear as Date on the custom WebADI template, the following needs to be done :-

-> Update the prompt_above,prompt_left columns  of bne_interface_cols_tl for your application id , interface code and the parameter name.

However do remember to perform this step after your integrator has been successfully uploaded/registered. Once the interface table has bas been updated, you will be able to see the new field names in the layout.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Raising custom error messages in custom WebADI template

In order to raise a custom error message using your custom WebADI
integrator, I did the following:

1. Registered/Created a custom error message in the fnd_new_messages.

2. In the package which has been registered for the WebADI integrator i created a common error handling procedure which will be called on errors.

3. The definition of the error handling procedure looks like this :

Spec : Error_handler(p_error_code,p_error_msg)
Body :
fnd_message.set_name ('ABC ', p_error_code);
fnd_message.set_token ('TOKEN', p_error_msg);

4. Call this error handler on the errors and you will be able to see the error code and error message on the template.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Customizing the upload screen for custom WebADI integrators

1. Go to the Oracle WebADI Menu after logging in Oracle Apps.

2. Click the Create document sub menu. You will get something like this in your url pane in the internet explorer :


3. Once you press enter after replacing BneCreateDoc with BneParameter, you will get a page which will ask you to choose an application. Choose the application General Ledger and click next. It will navigate you to parameter definition page.

4. Search for the following parameter UPL_JOURNALS. Duplicate this parameter and rename the duplicated one with your own custom name.

5. Update the 11 different parameter values with your custom values. You can remove certain parameters which you don’t want in your parameter list and change the default values for certain fields like,if you want by default all rows should be selected in the upload screen you can do that. Once you are done with the changes, save it.

6.Update the column bne_integrators_b.upload_param_list_code for your integrator using the package BNE_INTEGRATORS_PKG with the name used in  step4.

If you want to make the upload options invisible from the upload screen, please set the BNE Allow Set Parameter to 'No' in the system profiles.

Attaching an LOV to a column in a custom WebADI integrator

Inorder to provide a list of values when one is connected with Oracle Apps,i followed these steps to get it done :-

1. Created a lookup/flex field where the values will be stored or which will act as a source for the values when you double click the column.

2. I used the api bne_integrator_utils.create_table_lov. You can get the parameters for this api using the all_sources table. I am highlighting some specific parameter which needs to be considered carefully. For example p_interface_code should have your intergrator interface code,p_interface_col_name should be the field name with which you want to associate the LOV,p_id_col and p_mean_col will be 'LOOKUP_CODE'  or 'FLEX_VALUE' depending on whether you are using fnd_lookups or fnd_flex_values,p_desc_col can be null,p_table should be the table FND_LOOKUP_VALUES or FND_FLEX_VALUES and p_addl_w_c will be the "where clause" which you will apply on FND_LOOKUP_VALUES  or FND_FLEX_VALUES to filter your values,p_windows_width and p_windows height can be chosen as 400 and 300 respectively.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Creating an offline LOV or poplist in custom WebADI

Inorder to provide an offline list of values or poplist ie. even when one is not connected with Oracle Apps,i followed these steps to get it done :-

1. Created a lookup where the values will be stored or which will act as a source for the offline values when you download the template.

2. I used the api bne_integrator_utils.create_table_lov. You can get the parameters for this api using the all_sources table. I am highlighting some specific parameter which needs to be considered carefully. For example p_interface_code should have your intergrator interface code,p_interface_col_name should be the field name with which you want to associate the LOV,p_id_col and p_mean_col will be 'LOOKUP_CODE' as i am using fnd_lookups here,p_desc_col can be null,p_table should be the table FND_LOOKUP_VALUES and p_addl_w_c will be the "where clause" which you will apply on FND_LOOKUP_VALUES to filter your values,p_windows_width and p_windows height can be chosen as 400 and 300 respectively.

3. Update the bne_interface_cols_b.offline_lov_enabled='N' and lov_type='POPLIST'  for your integrator interface code and the respective field.

The values shown in this poplist will be the values present in the lookup when one downloads the template. A maximum of 255 values can be show in this poplist.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Invoking custom concurrent program from custom WebADI template

I am elaborating the method i used to invoke my custom concurrent program from the custom WebADI template.

1.       Go to the Oracle WebADI Menu after logging in Oracle Apps.
2.       Click the Create document sub menu. You will get something like this in your url pane in the internet explorer :
          Replace the BneCreateDoc with BneParameter. Make sure the following profile options are set before you perform this exercise :-

a) ADI: Use Function Security : No
b) BNE Allow No Security Rule : Yes

3.    Once you press enter after replacing BneCreateDoc with BneParameter, you will get a page which will ask you to choose an application. Choose the application General Ledger and click next. It will navigate you to parameter definition page.

4.       Search for the following parameter IMP_JNL_CONC_REQ. Duplicate this parameter and rename the duplicated one with your own custom name.
5.       Update the 15 different parameter values with your custom values :-

The important one which you need to consider for invoking your custom concurrent program is
“Program parameter”. Please update this parameter attributes with your own values.

Once done save the changes.

6.    Follow the same process and duplicate the following parameter IMP_JOURNALS_120. Provide the custom duplicated parameter a custom name. Delete the first four parameter values and retain only CONCURRENT_REQUEST and SUCCESS_MESSAGE. Edit the concurrent_request parameter and provide the value with one created in the step3. Save the changes.

7.    Update the column bne_integrators_b.import_param_list_code for your integrator using the package BNE_INTEGRATORS_PKG with the name used in step6.